It is advisable to aim high in everything you do in your life including being a good student in a reputable college or university. In order to be a good student, it does not have to mean that you will have to spend countless hours learning and writing papers since somebody else can do everything for you such as I have learned not to give up on my dreams so easily. If I want something, I need to get it. If I would much rather party during my studies rather than learn and write papers, it is definitely OK. I can always order custom term papers from somebody more qualified than me. I know that getting to some of the best schools might not be easy, but once you already get onto the school of your dreams, all you have to is to make sure that you get the degree instead of being kicked out. In In order not to be kicked, you can make sure that your term papers, essays are outstanding papers and essays you can be proud of. You can choose to write outstanding papers and show what you are capable of. This way, you will prove that you deserve to get the degree.