I try to manage my finances the best way possible. It does not mean that I do not run out of money from time to time. As a matter of fact, I tend to run out of money more often than it used to happen to me in the past. I believe I know why this happens. In a down economy, it is difficult not to run out of money. Mots people I know are broke. Even if they used to have money in the past, it does not mean that they have it know. Even if they used to have good credit history and credit rating in the past, it does not have to mean that they still have it today. I spent some time browsing online loan resources. I came across places offering me the possibility to apply for payday loans. I must admit that I would not hesitate ever to apply for a payday loan. If I needed money fast, I would prefer to ask online members for help rather than ask my family members for money. I do not want my family to know that I am in need of money. I do not want them to know that I am in financial crisis. I would much rather ask a stranger for money and pay an interest rate rather than ask my family for help. they have their own things to worry about and their bills to pay. They would probably not be able to help me anyway. When it comes to online payday loans, I can apply for them at any time of day or night.